Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Who Watches the Watchers (Revisited)

A full ten days before Rep Anthony Weiner (a married man) admitted to carrying on explicit relationships online with at least six different women, a story broke on Andrew Breitbart’s Biggovernment.com. A tweet had been sent from his twitter account to a woman in Seattle Washington. Weiner denied posting the tweet and claimed his account had been hacked.

Andrew Breitbart did what journalists are supposed to do (though they seem to lose that particular skill when the scandals or stories involve favored Democratic allies). He asked follow up questions. Why are you following all of these young women who aren’t in your district on Twitter? Why haven’t you demanded an FBI or even police investigation into the hacking? Why do you refuse to even answer the question “is that you in the photograph”?

Meanwhile, with few exceptions, the mainstream media collectively yawned and ignored the story. An incredible fact considering the story had everything the mainstream media loves in their stories. Sleaze, politics, social media and hacking. Anyone else remember how they attacked the Sanford story like pit bulls? Some in the mainstream media even tried to explain it away. Others even attacked Breitbart for even running the story in the first place.

For example: not only did Barbara Walters try to defend Weiner… she tried to somehow deflect any controversy by comparing Sarah Palin to Weiner.

Are you kidding me? Why would Palin’s touring in her bus have anything to do with a politician acting like a sleaze ball? How can Barbara Walters pretend to be a champion for women when she defends this slime ball while simultaneously attacking a woman with power for no good reason? Of course… as we all now know, Walters made a fool of her self with this statement. She really owes Sarah Palin an apology.

Anyways, back to the story. Breitbart once again scooped the mainstream media and delivered the truth. Weiner had been lying all along and had not only been acting inappropriately with this one woman, but six others as he finally admitted. 

The real story is not about Weiner’s sleaziness, though. The real story here is about the mainstream media’s ineptitude and outright dereliction. They ignored this story for ten days, despite all indications that it was a huge scandal. One man with a website scooped 3 national networks, 4 cable news networks with 24 hour a day news cycles and thousands of employees, countless syndicated news associations (the AP, Reuters to name a few), countless newspapers and online mudslingers like TMZ and EOnline. This isn’t the first time he’s done it. He’s been doing since the Clinton era.

If you’ve read his book (Righteous Indignation) you know this is what he lives for. He isn’t out to destroy sleazy politicians and corrupt public officials. Outing them is a nice little bonus, but they are small potatoes, none-the-less. He knows that liberal and socialist politicians aren’t the biggest threat to our freedom and liberty. The mainstream media that has almost completely been co-opted by these liberals and socialists is. So he’s out to expose the mainstream media. I would almost bet that he’s had those other photos for a week, just waiting and watching as the mainstream media embarrassed themselves.

He’s right about where the real danger is. The mainstream press has specific protections guaranteed in the bill of rights for a very good reason. They really are like a fourth branch of government. The fourth level of the separation of powers. They are supposed to protect the citizens of America from the potential corruption and tyranny of the government. When all other separations of power fail, the press tells the truth so that we, the people, can address the problems via our elections. Instead, they speculated that maybe he was just taking a picture to show how “much he missed” his wife and a hacker got  hold of it. Yes… that was Barbara Walters’ theory.

Thank God for men like Breitbart and for the internet. If not for them, we wouldn’t know about Clinton's gravegate, we would have never known about ACORN’s corruption, we would have never known about the Monica Lewinski debacle and we wouldn’t know about Weiner’s lies.

Next, we get to witness the very predictable spin and defense of Weiner in the mainstream media. “It’s his private life”. “Why does it matter”? Never mind the fact that they never seem to apply this spin to politicians on the right.

Just as I said Mark Sanford’s indiscretions mattered, Wiener’s matters because men who lie to their wives and constituents without reservation about something as stupid as racy photos will have no qualms about lying about the benefits of massive legislation designed to bail out certain campaign donors at the expense of the taxpayers. Furthermore, men who carry on adulterous, sleazy relationships are infinitely more subject to blackmail and corruption.

That’s why the press is supposed to be the biggest fear of every politician. Does anyone else find it humorous (and enlightening) how Weiner seemed to have no fear of the press? He attacked the few journalists who dared asked tough questions… he even called the police on a certain journalist. He knew the big boys wouldn’t pursue the story. Too bad for him that real journalists like Andrew Breitbart have other avenues to get their stories published, thanks to the internet.

Is it any wonder why these liberals want to “regulate” the internet so badly?

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