Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Justice is Done

First up, I’ll say what I think of the Bin Laden “hit”. Thank God Mr. Obama had the courage to order the kill, regardless of what his motivation may have been. Bill Clinton did not have that courage and several years after such an order could have prevented it, Bin Laden ordered over 3,000 innocent American civilians killed simply because they were Americans.

Mr. Obama rightfully fulfilled Bush’s pledge that those responsible would be hunted down and brought to justice, no matter where they hid. Those who would do harm to America’s citizenry must be shown that the results of such despicable deeds will result in retribution most terrible. The top priority for our leaders in the federal government should first and foremost be the protection of the citizens. Bin Laden’s demise was the ultimate collection of a debt whose repayment had been long past-due. The collectors of that debt, men and women in the CIA, FBI and US military who have worked for the past three administrations towards that goal. Despite the president's claim that HE had made Bin Laden the CIA's top priority; by being the number one most wanted on the FBI's list for almost two decades, Bin Laden had already been THE top priority target since the Clinton Administration when he spearheaded the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 which killed six American citizens and then the 1998 bombing of two US embassies in Africa that killed another two hundred and twenty four.

The appalling aspect of this last chapter of the Bin Laden saga is the fawning adoration of the Obama administration by the mainstream media and how the left has framed the story.

For the past two and a half years, this administration has done everything it can to distance itself from the Bush administration. “Apologizing” for America’s stubborn resolve to hunt down terrorists everywhere and the secretive nature of our Intelligence Agencies had become almost a joke in its repetitiveness. It was like those particular speech paragraphs and media blurbs were being used over and over again in “copy and paste” like fashion.

They had even gone so far as to block the Justice Department’s lawyers from the defense of the officials of the Bush administration in an unprecedented display of partisan, political pandering to the anti-war left. One of the duties of the Justice Department is to defend federal officials from such lawsuits, no matter which party those officials belonged too. The Clinton Justice Department defended Bush Sr. officials; Reagan Officials defended Carter officials… etc. That is what the Justice Department is supposed to do. To throw Bush officials to the proverbial litigational wolves was blatant disregard for the constitutional duties of the Executive Branch and Justice Department and obviously a blatant political ploy designed to placate the ant-war leftists, extremist Muslim groups and Bush hating elements of the left (which is to say, almost the entire Democratic Party).

The constant calls of the left for the prosecution of Bush administration officials for “crimes against humanity” and “human rights” violations of Guantanamo Bay detainees had become permanent footnotes in the Bush Administration’s legacy. Now that the current administration has capitalized on these Bush era policies of rendition, “enhanced interrogation techniques” and “cowboy diplomacy”, will we ever see this legacy revised? Will the historical foot notes be amended? Don’t hold your breath.

For the past three years, citing “due process”, Mr. Obama and the Justice Department has pursued civilian trials for Al Qaeda prisoners in “Gitmo”, opting to grant them the same protections granted to US citizens in the bill of rights. This, while carrying on their war against Al Qaeda via drone strikes to Al Qaeda bases in remote locations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Apparently, if you are Al Qaeda but were caught under Bush, you deserve due-process. If you are Al Qaeda but have not been caught during Mr. Obama's reign, you deserve death without a trial via high-tech weaponry. This question remains unasked in the mainstream media.

In one of the best examples of hypocrisy, just two years ago, Keith Olbermann, frequent guest of the current president at press club parties and “unofficial White house sit-downs” and vocal spokesman for liberals, declared that the secretive JSOC and Seal Team Six military programs were nothing more than Dick Cheney’s “assassination ring”. Yesterday, he tweeted an eager and cheerful “congratulations” to this same organization for its key part in carrying out the mission in Pakistan.

The left's frantic, self-aggrandizing and convenient amnesia really does show their desperation for any bump they can get in the approval polls. 

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