Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams Joins the Ranks

The Ministry of Truth fires Juan Williams. Welcome to the ranks of the Thought Criminals, Juan. Your decade of civil rights journalism and attempts to rationally explain liberal policy makes no difference. They know what you are really thinking now and you must be silenced like the rest of the Thought Criminals.

I love his thoughts on the matter. I further love the fact that Fox News just gave him a two million dollar contract. You see, that is free market capitalism in action.

"This is an outrageous violation of journalistic standards and ethics by management that has no use for a diversity of opinion, ideas or a diversity of staff (I was the only black male on the air). This is evidence of one-party rule and one sided thinking at NPR that leads to enforced ideology, speech and writing. It leads to people, especially journalists, being sent to the gulag for raising the wrong questions and displaying independence of thought."

"Daniel Schorr, my fellow NPR commentator who died earlier this year, used to talk about the initial shock of finding himself on President Nixon’s enemies list. I can only imagine Dan’s revulsion to realize that today NPR treats a journalist who has worked for them for ten years with less regard, less respect for the value of independence of thought and embrace of real debate across political lines, than Nixon ever displayed."


  1. I sell tinfoil hats at a reduced price if you know anyone looking for one. They come in all shapes and sizes and can be molded to any size skull, small or extra small.

  2. I'm wondering what conspiracy you are referring to since this post relates directly to the accusations that Juan was racist? Was he not branded a thought criminal and summarily fired? Seeing that his boss was just fired, perhaps you can explain what it was that she was fired for? Certainly not her opposition to diversity of opinion... that would just be the conspiracy, right?
